The University of Trash presents:
Space for Revolution
Sat, May 16, 2009, 4–9pm
Space for Revolution will include presentations and informal discussions that ask what a space for revolution can look like.
4:00 PM: Presentation by Baltimore Development Cooperative and Participation Park. Baltimore Development Cooperative (BDC) is an artist collective with an interdisciplinary practice that uses art, research, and activism to critically engage with urban spatial politics. Participation Park, a project of BDC, is an ongoing public art project and activist initiative based on converting a vacant lot in east Baltimore into an urban farm, social space, community kitchen, radical planning studio, free store, and adventure playground. BDC works against the increasing privatization of public spaces in the city and the top-down forms of urban planning that design them. They squat the land and collaborate with neighborhood residents to produce a space that responds to collective needs and desires. Inspired by movements to "reclaim the commons" and demand a "right to the city," the park is an experiment in democratic spatial practice, inviting everyone who participates in the use of the space to engage in the political process of shaping it
4:40 PM: Presentations by organizers from the City from Below Conference. The City from Below was a conference that brought together activists, community organizers, academics, and artists from all over the country to discuss alternatives to neoliberal urbanism and share strategies of resistance.
5:30 PM: Presentations by students from the School of Walls and Space
6:15 PM: Open Discussion
7:00 PM: Break
8:00 PM: Performance by the "Japanther," founded on in 2001. Synchronized swimmer, Illegal shows, marionettes and giant puppets have all been employed successfully again and again, all in an attempt to redefine what bands, groups and gangs can do.