
    Denial is a River

    Denial is a River

    Sep 10–Nov 18, 2006

    Vito Acconci, Acconci Studio, Rita Ackermann, Azra Aksamija, Geraldine Belmont, Douglas Boatwright, Christoph Büchel, Melissa Dubbin, Melissa Dubbin and Aaron S. Davidson, Jean-Luc Godard with Anne-Marie Miéville & Jean-Pierre Gorin, Nicolás Guagnini, Valerie Hegarty, Institute for Applied Autonomy, Gareth James, Nate Lowman, Matthew Lusk, Edgar Orlaineta, Wonjoo Park, R.H. Quaytman, Allyson Spellacy, and Karen Yasinsky
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    Denial is a River is a group exhibition that explores how syndromes translate into matter, allowing for a complex of social currents to become visible from the surface through eruptions, gurgles and patterns. This exhibition stems from the methods and tactics of the seven selected In Practice artists, placing their concerns into a larger field of artistic practice.

    Compiled through a convergence of interests, artists in Denial is a River reflect syndromes within a common cultural condition: syndromes that effect access to information and affect collective historical data. Appropriations from various sources, fragments from a shared political heritage, are surreptitiously modified, or juxtaposed, to create other narratives or discourses. Sometimes they confuse the issues, sometimes they expand, sometimes they isolate, sometimes they denounce. Denial is a River functions in the controversy between the systems of convention and codification, belief and communication.


    SculptureCenter's exhibitions and public programs are supported by The Andy Warhol Foundation for Visual Arts and The Lily Auchincloss Foundation.