The Law of Large Numbers
SculptureCenter, Chisenhale Gallery, and Inpatient Press, 2021
7 x 5 inches
Trade paperback
230 pages
Why am I here in this city? Thousands of miles from San Francisco. Do we have enough food? Water? Books? Living in a zombie movie is banal. What a slog till we get to the other thing. Where are we going? Why can’t we get there? . . .
Light everywhere. What will the art we make there look like? Who will come with me? How will we afford it? Should we go now?
The Law of Large Numbers is a publication with original writings by artist Rindon Johnson that accompanies the exhibitions Law of Large Numbers: Our Bodies at SculptureCenter, New York, and Law of Large Numbers: Our Selves at Chisenhale Gallery, London.
Connecting Johnson’s rigorous and poetic writing practice with the larger themes of the exhibitions, the book serves as a catalog and also as its own document of the varied ideas, artistic figures, and approaches that inform Johnson’s art. Throughout, scans of Johnson’s sketchbook pages, screenshots of CCTV camera footage, and other research materials illustrate extended artwork descriptions and diaristic entries written throughout the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. Like much of his work, Johnson’s writing explores how supposed virtual and actual realities are integrated, and how artistic production contributes to an ongoing process of identification and disidentification.
In addition to Johnson’s text, the publication includes contributions by Sohrab Mohebbi and Ellen Greig and a foreword by Zoé Whitley and Kyle Dancewicz. The Law of Large Numbers is published by SculptureCenter, Chisenhale Gallery, and Inpatient Press.
Read an excerpt of the publication here.