SC Conversations:
Evidence in 74 million million million tons
Sun, Apr 29, 2018, 2–4pm
- Related

Susan Schuppli, video still.
The artists in 74 million million million tons contribute to and corroborate accounts of significant events (and shifts) in material, social, technological, and/or political realities. Their works do not simply stand in for or index broader concepts and political issues, but move beyond the role of representation to become elements that are integral to the comprehension of contemporary occurrences and ensuing narratives.
Connected by their methods of investigation and observation, more so than the specific situations or themes their artworks address, the artists in the exhibition produce evidence. They engage with information and aesthetics—often as they are controlled, obscured, fabricated, or abstracted by confluences of technology, economics, and politics—while operating at the limits of perception and detectability to create a new visual lexicon through which those at the threshold of politics can emerge. These artists use, present, manipulate, and subsequently produce new materials in order to actively participate in the construction of meaning around evolving discourses.
The program opens with a lecture by artist and researcher Susan Schuppli and is followed by presentations about their works in the exhibition by artists George Awde, Shadi Habib Allah, and Daniel R. Small. To conclude, curators Ruba Katrib and Lawrence Abu Hamdan will lead a discussion with the program participants.
This program is free and open to the public, but RSVP is required and space is limited. SC Conversations: Evidence in 74 million million million tons will be followed by an Opening Reception for the exhibition, from 5-7pm.