
    New In Practice Projects: Jan. 13-March 30, 2008

    Forde & the Ashbirds, Drew Heitzler, Alix Lambert, Haley Mellin, Leyden Rodriguez-Casanova, Erik Smith, and Agathe Snow

    In Practice supports the creation and presentation of innovative work by emerging artists. The projects are commissioned for SculptureCenter and elected individually through an open call. In its eleventh installment, In Practice continues to reflect the diverse approaches to contemporary sculpture. SculptureCenter is proud to present new works by Forde & the Ashbirds (Aurélien Gamboni, Benjamin Lavigne, Damien Navarro, Vanessa Safavi, Konstantin Sgouridis, and Kim Seob Boninsegni), Drew Heitzler, Alix Lambert, Haley Mellin, Leyden Rodriguez-Casanova, Erik Smith, and Agathe Snow in the eleventh installment of In Practice.