SculptureCenter is pleased to present the group exhibition A Disagreeable Object. Taking its title from Alberto Giacometti's surrealist sculptures, this building-wide exhibition explores themes of desire and repulsion, the familiar and the unfamiliar. The surrealist object was situated at a remove from its status as an artwork; it operated in direct response to, and simultaneously influenced, social and cultural attitudes towards developments in art, industry, design and commodification. This exhibition brings together a group of international artists who similarly posit the object in relation to capitalist culture and technology, as well as the gendered oppositions between interior and exterior space. Strategies implemented by the surrealists have a newfound relevancy, such as the uncanny and informe, although the current context has shifted. This exhibition examines these impulses in current art and poses questions about relationships between the present-day status of the economy, the body, domesticity, technology, and eros.
A Disagreeable Object is curated by Ruba Katrib, SculptureCenter Curator, and is on view from September 15 - November 26, 2012. An opening reception will take place on Saturday, September 15 from 5-7pm and is open to the public. The exhibition catalog can viewed online or purchased in our Store.