TrebleRadio: Artists meet Airwaves
May 28–Jun 25, 2004, 9pm
89.9FM, NY
89.9FM, NY
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Stephen Vitiello, Fear of High Places and Natural Things, 2004. Modified CD player, stereo CD, nine 10" speakers. Special thanks to Vito Acconci.
In this weekly series, WKCR's Live Constructions becomes a gathering place for visual artists working with sound, with live guests as well as sound works by exhibiting artists. Host Federico Marulanda presents works for radio by Treble artists Francis Alÿs + Rafael Ortega, Joseph Beuys, Euan MacDonald, Cristian Manzutto, Steve Roden, David Schafer, Jude Tallichet, Mungo Thomson, and Paulo Vivacqua, among others.