SC Conversations: The unpopular environment?
Sat, Nov 16, 2013, 1–3pm
26-26 Jackson Avenue corner of Purves St. and Jackson Ave. Long Island City, NY 11101
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Installation view, Tue Greenfort: Garbage Bay, SculptureCenter, 2013. Photo: Jason Mandella.
T.J. Demos
Martin P. Schreibman
Kirsten Swenson
"The unpopular environment?" is a seminar organized in conjunction with the exhibition Tue Greenfort: Garbage Bay, on view at SculptureCenter, and similarly examines ideas around art and environmentalism, questioning our relationship with, and understanding of the concept of nature. Greenfort's exhibition extends out of research into Jamaica Bay and this program broadly examines the construction of value around particular landscapes, while addressing Jamaica Bay's newfound significance as a natural flood barrier, in anticipation of future weather events.
The program consists of an introduction made by Tue Greenfort and three short presentations by the speakers, followed by a facilitated conversation with audience participation, led by Ruba Katrib, SculptureCenter Curator.
T.J. Demos is a writer and critic teaching in the Department of Art History at University College London, London. He recently guest edited a special issue of "Third Text" (no. 120, 2013) on the subject of "Contemporary Art and the Politics of Ecology," and is currently at work on a book on the subject for Sternberg Press.
Martin P. Schreibman is Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Biology at the City University of New York's Brooklyn College and Founder and Director Emeritus, the Aquatic Research and Environmental Assessment Center (AREAC) at Brooklyn College
Kirsten Swenson is Assistant Professor of Art History at the University of Massachusetts, Lowell, and co-editor, with Emily Eliza Scott, of the forthcoming volume "Critical Landscapes: Contemporary Art and the Politics of Land Use" (University of California Press, 2014).
This project is part of Marfa Dialogues NY and is supported by the Robert Rauschenberg Foundation.